Kiyo | おキヨさん

The following sections feature archival materials pertaining to Kiyo Tanaka Gotō* (1894? -1982), a woman from Kumamoto, Japan. During her time in Canada, she ran multiple businesses in Downtown Vancouver, Canada, including a Japanese restaurant on Powell Street, a brothel on Hastings Street, and a gambling venue in Chinatown. These materials consist of audio recordings of an interview with Kiyo conducted by Maya Koizumi in 1972 (available only in Japanese), 10 written vignettes created out of the interview and thematically organized (Japanese and English), and photographic images of Kiyo’s belongings held by the Nikkei National Museum & Cultural Centre. Watch Laura Ishiguro’s lecture “Why Kiyo Tanaka Goto Matters in Japanese Canadian History” to learn about the significance Kiyo Tanaka Gotō in the broader context of Japanese Canadian history. (The full module, with a series of pedagogical tools to engage with this material critically, is forthcoming in the spring of 2025.)

*Tanaka is Kiyo’s both maiden name (according to her death certificate) and legal last name adopted from her first husband whom she refers to as “Otetsu-san” in her interview. Gotō is the family name of Kiyo’s second husband and her daughter’s father, whom Kiyo did not officially marry.

熊本出身のおキヨさん(田中・後藤キヨ,* 1894? – 1982)に関する資料。おキヨさんは、カナダに移住したのちバンクーバーのダウンタウンでいくつもの商売を手がけた。その中には、パウエル街の日本料理屋、ヘースティングス街の「女郎屋」、中華街の博打場が含まれる。ここには、マヤ・コイズミが1972年に行ったインタビューの音声記録(日本語のみ)、それをもとに10個のテーマにまとめて作成したエピソード集(日英)、 Nikkei National Museum & Cultural Centre に収蔵されたのおキヨさんの遺品の写真が集められている。ローラ・イシグロのビデオ講議「日系カナダ人の歴史において、なぜキヨ・タナカ・ゴトウが重要か」を視聴すると、おキヨさんの日系カナダ人の歴史における重要性について理解を深めることができる。(おキヨさんに関連する資料を批判的に読み解くための教材は2025年春に公開予定。)


Oral History | オーラル・ヒストリー

Vignettes | 10片のエピソード

The following vignettes are produced based on the 1972 interview of Kiyo by Maya Koizumi. Each vignette is not exactly an excerpt of the interview transcript but is edited out of multiple sections of the transcript according to key themes that emerged from the transcript. Most vignettes, including “#3 Life in Vancouver Island and Salt Spring Island,” “#5 Water Trade,” and “#9 Life in Greenwood,” focus on specific periods in Kiyo’s life, but others like “#1 Hometown” and “#7 Daughter” cover different moments of her family history. Therefore, while vignettes are generally ordered chronologically, they do not necessarily conform to linear timeline.

In the interview, Kiyo speaks in diasporic Kumamoto dialect where she translanguages Japanese with English words and expressions. In the Japanese version of the vignettes, English words are spelled in katakana in a way that is consistent with her pronunciation even if it is not conventional spelling today (e.g. フランチギャル as opposed to フレンチギャル). The Japanese vignettes are verbatim, so Kiyo’s speech style is retained, but some interjections are omitted for readability.

It is possible that some parts of her accounts are not completely accurate. Note, too, that she sometimes uses Japanese monetary units (円 yen and 銭 sen), instead of Canadian (dollar and cent), for transactions that took place in Canada.

Transcribed, edited, and translated by Ayaka Yoshimizu.

1972年にマヤ・コイズミが行ったインタビューをもとに、おキヨさんのライフストーリーを10片のエピソードにまとめた。これらのエピソードは、インタビュー全体を通して浮かび上がったテーマをもとに相当箇所を集めて編集してある。「#3 バンクーバー島・ソルトスプリング島での暮し」、「#5 水商売」、「#9 グリーンウッドでの暮し」などのエピソードは、おキヨさんの人生の特定の期間に焦点を合わせたものだが、「#1 故郷」や「#7 娘」は、おキヨさんの家族史の複数の瞬間から構成されている。10片のエピソードは、全体として時系列的に並べてあるものの、ときに流れが前後することがある。




This translation project was supported by the Powell Street Festival Society.

Photographs | 写真

Kiyo Belongings

Kiyo’s Belongings | おキヨさんの遺品

May 26, 2024

Item Titles and Numbers (Kiyo Goto Collection, NNMCC) 2003.7.37 Hand towel 2003.7.19 Hat 2003.3.19a Purse 2003.3.15 Rice bag 2003.3.14 Powder box 2003.3.8 Hand mirror 2003.3.9 Tin 2003.07.46 Blue dressing gown 2003.7.41.a-b Black and Gold Dress
