If you are interested in exploring the history of Japanese migrant sex workers in North America further, here is a list of references to start! There is rich scholarship on the history of Japanese women who migrated elsewhere (especially to Southeast Asia) between the mid-19th century and early 20th century, which is not included in this list. Use key words like karayuki or karayuki-san to find additional academic and non-academic resources.
Note: Karayuki literally means “bound for China.” Karayuki or karayuki-san (san being an honorific suffix attached to personal names or occupations) refer to women who travelled abroad as labour migrants, and more specifically, engaged in the sex trade.
Further Readings & Listening in English
- Ayukawa, Midge. Good Wives and Wise Mothers: Japanese Picture Brides in Early Twentieth-Century British Columbia. BC Studies, nos. 105-106, 1995: 103-118. (Journal Article)
- Ichioka, Yuji. Ameyuki-san: Japanese Prostitutes in Nineteenth-Century America. Amerasia, vol. 4, no. 1, 1977: 1-21. (Journal Article)
- Lu, Sidney Xu. The Shame of Empire: Japanese Overseas Prostitutes and Prostitution Abolition in Modern Japan, 1880s-1927. Positions, vol. 24, no. 4, 2016: 839-873. https://doi.org/10.1215/10679847-3666065 (Journal Article)
- Oharazeki, Kazuhiro. Japanese Prostitutes in the North American West, 1887-1920. Seattle, WA: University of Washington Press, 2018. (Scholarly Book)
- Oharazeki, Kazuhiro. “Episode 61—Dr. Kazuhiro Oharazeki (Setsunan),” The Meiji at 150 Project, September 18, 2018. https://meijiat150.arts.ubc.ca/episode-61-dr-kazuhiro-oharazeki-setsunan/ (Podcast)
- Yoshimizu, Ayaka. “Unsettling Memories of Japanese Migrant Sex workers: Carceral Mobilities of the Transpacific Underground at the Turn of the 20th century.” Topia, 43, 2021: 24-43. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3138/topia-43-003 (Journal Article)
- Yoshimizu, Ayaka. “Doing Performance Ethnography among the Dead, Remembering Lives of Japanese Migrants in Transpacific Sex Trade.” Performance Matters 4(3), 2018: 137-154. (Journal Article)
- 工藤美代子『カナダ遊妓楼に降る雪は』集英社、1983(ノンフィクション)
- 工藤美代子『哀しい目つきの漂流者』集英社、1991(ノンフィクション)
- 山崎朋子『あめゆきさんの歌–山田わかの数奇なる生涯』文藝春秋、1978(ノンフィクション)
- 山崎盟子『波よ 語っておくれ–北米からゆきさん物語』ガリヴァー叢書、2001(ノンフィクション)