Lecture Video #2 | 講議動画 #2

“Reimagining Japanese Prostitutes: The Photographs in Devil Caves in Canada (1910)” by Asato Ikeda, Associate Professor, Fordham University

In this video, Asato Ikeda examines photographs of Japanese prostitutes published in Kanada no Makutsu (Devil Caves in Canada*, 1910). The book was an edited version of a series of reportage articles titled “The Exploration of Devil Caves” (Makutsu tanteiki) and was intended to expel the prostitutes from Canada. The photographs, however, give us unique visual access to the prostitutes and allow us to circumvent, challenge, and refute the book’s characterization of them as “fallen women” or “devils and monsters.” Instead, they invite us to contemplate more sympathetically on the lives and perspectives of these women who still remain voiceless.

*Kanada no Makutsu is also translated as Brothels in Canada in this website.

Transcript (PDF)


  1. Watch the video. Take notes on key points and questions that come to your mind.
  2. Consider the following review questions to test your comprehension of the lecture:
    • How does Devil Caves in Canada portray Japanese prostitutes?
    • What are the two readings of the photographs of Japanese prostitutes proposed in the lecture? What does each reading suggest about the lives and perspectives of the women in the photographs?
    • How do these readings complicate the book’s portrayal of Japanese prostitutes?
  3. Consider the following questions individually or with peers:
    • What does it mean to “read” photographs? What visual evidence is used in the lecture in proposing the two readings of the photographs? Can you apply this approach to reading other portrait photographs (e.g. old photographs of your own family members, of members of your community)?
    • Review the photographs of Japanese prostitutes carefully. Can you find any other visual elements that support one (or both) of these two readings? Is it possible to suggest the third reading upon further examination of the photographs?

日本人娼婦像を読み解く: 『加奈陀の魔窟』(1910)のポートレート写真(講師:フォーダム大学准教授 池田安里)




  1. 講議動画を観ながら、要点や疑問点をメモしよう。
  2. 以下の質問に答えながら、講議の理解度をチェックしよう。
    • 『加奈陀の魔窟』で日本人娼婦はどのように描かれているか。
    • 講議の中で提示されている日本人娼婦の写真の二つの解釈とは何か。それぞれの解釈によると、被写体の女性の人生や視点がどのように見えてくるか。
    • これらの写真の読み方は、『加奈陀の魔窟』の本文で描かれる日本人娼婦像をどう揺るがすか。
  3. 個人で、または他の学習者と一緒に、以下の質問を考察しよう。
    • 写真を「読む」とはどういうことか。講議の中では、二つの解釈を提示するにあたりどんな視覚的証拠を用いているか。このアプローチを応用して他のポートレート写真(古い家族写真やコミュニティの写真など)を読んでみよう。
    • 改めて日本人娼婦の写真を注意深く見てみよう。講議で示された写真の読み方を補強するような他の視覚的要素は見つかるか。写真をさらに読み深めることで、さらに別の解釈が浮かび上がってくるだろうか。
Note: This lecture is based on:​
Ikeda, Asato. “Reimagining Japanese Prostitutes: The Photographs in Devil Caves in Canada (1910),” Association for Asian Studies Conference, Boston. March 18, 2023.​