“Sex Workers, Waitresses, and Wives: The Disciplining of Women’s Bodies in Japanese Language Media in Vancouver (1908-1920)” by Ayaka Yoshimizu
In this short lecture, Ayaka Yoshimizu discusses how Japanese language media portrayed women in Japanese diasporic community in early 20th century Canada. The lecture specifically focuses on the Tairku Nippō issues published in the period between 1908 and 1920. Instead of focusing solely on examining “Exploration of Devil Caves,” the lecture provides an overview of the newspaper’s role in disciplining Japanese migrant women by looking at how the notions of “ideal” women vs. “fallen” women were constructed through various sections of the newspaper.
- Watch the video. Take notes on key points and questions that come to your mind.
- Consider the following review questions to test your comprehension of the lecture:
- What roles did Japanese language newspapers play in Japanese diasporic communities in early twentieth century North America? Who was reading them, and for what purposes?
- What does the ideology of “good wives, wise mothers” entail? How does this idea shape the ways in which women are represented in Tairiku Nippō? What does an “ideal” woman look like according this discourse? What about a “bad” or “fallen” woman? How are women’s qualities evaluated?
- What social and individual factors contributed to the publication of “Exploration of Devil Caves”?
- Consider the following questions individually or with peers:
- How does the lecture support your understanding of Shōhei Osada’s series “Exploration of Devil Caves”? Based on what you learned from the lecture, how would you critically approach this source?
- Revisit the dream submitted by a “waitress” for Mr. Dumb’s interpretation. How would you respond to her request to read her dream? What do you think the waitress’ dream tells us about her lived experience?
- 講議動画を観ながら、要点や疑問点をメモしよう。
- 以下の質問に答えながら、講議の理解度をチェックしよう。
- 20世紀初頭北米の日系ディアポラにとって、日本語新聞が果たした役割は何か。どんな読者層に、どのような情報を提供したか。
- 「良妻賢母」はどんなイデオロギーか。それは、『大陸日報』における女性の表象をどう形作ったか。また、この言説によると、何が「理想」の女性とされ、何が「悪女」あるいは「堕落した」女性とされたか。何をもとに女性の性質が評価されたか。
- 「魔窟探検記」掲載に至る背景として、どんな社会的、個人的要因があったか。
- 個人で、または他の学習者と一緒に、以下の質問を考察しよう。
- この講議で「魔窟探検記」についての理解がどのように深まったか。講議で学んだことを踏まえて、あなたならこの資料をどう批判的に扱うか。
- 「ウェイトレス」が酔頓狂の夢占いに投稿した夢を振り返ろう。あなたなら、どう彼女の夢を占うだろうか。この夢は、彼女のウェイトレスとしての経験について何を示唆しているだろうか。